Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hand scrub

Sure have needed a lot of gifts lately.  This was for a high school graduation.  I made her a whole basket, but forgot to take pics.  This is handmade scrubs.  Don't you love the cute little spoons.  I got them from Krogers of all  places. 

This is how I make my scrubs,
 in the jar put desired amount of sea salt, sugar, or brown sugar.
Put in desired oil little at a time. 
Let it soak in. 
Put in a little lemon juice and scented oil.

I found they do best if you don't stir, it breaks up the sugar or salt and makes it watery.

Easy peasy.  My daughter paid $20 for a jar this size for a store bought one.  We made a bunch for Christmas Presents this year, and everyone seemed to love them.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Small finishes

Here's 2 purple washrags I made for a gift basket.  I sure seem to be making a lot of washrags lately.  It may be small, but a finish is a finish and I'm happy with it.  Just can't seem to find time to sew lately.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Gift Basket - Handmade Goodies

I found this basket at CareHelp.   It was a good thing, because the same day hubby  told me we had a housewarming party to go to that day.  Yikes, So we went to the party, then went straight to WalMart to find yarn that matched their bedroom and kitchen.  The brown matches their kitchen.  The purple matches the bathroom.  I have never seen purple in a bathroom, it was really very nice.  They were really excited with the thick towels.  I couldn't remember the exact purple in the bathroom, so we went with beige towels and washrags.  I was pleased with the way the basket looked.