Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lego quilt trimming

I am trimming, then when I move it. I have to trim it again. This quilt is for Dani, so she has piced 2 borders. I usually only do one border for a scrap quilt. But 2 it will be.

Friday, January 20, 2012

lego quilt

I like the way it is turning out, but how can it be so uneven. I pinned, I sewed slow. I ironed, I starched. Well, now I will be trimming, trimming, trimming.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Birthday Potholder

Here is one of the practice squares that I finished practiced free motion quilting on. I gave this one to Tiffany as part of her birthday present. She said she is using it as a placemat. It does give me another ideal to use up scraps. Like I needed another project.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Free motion quilting

I am cutting out 12" squares to practice free hand quilting. This is some of the made fabric I ironed on for hours. The small pieces left over were cut into small lego strips

Almost all of this was scraps given to me over the years. It make a great, colorful fabric.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Strips for lego quilt

Here's some made fabric that I made years ago. I ironed them up, and cut into 1 1/2" strips for my lego quilt. It was really fun. And it cleared out another container.

Here's a large basket of crumb squares to iron, and then add more strips. Slow progress, but fun progress.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Strips, lego quilt

I'm not much of a pinner, but I have had to pin these strips to keep them straight. This may be a cheap quilt top, it might use up all my little scraps, but it is not a quick, carefree project.

I put them ontop of the basket as I am sewing them to keep them nice and wrinkle free. After all that ironing, I don't want anything put on top of it.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Making progress processing scraps

Here's some of my kaladiscope parts. I finished enough blocks. So I am now processing them into 1 1/2 " strips. I have been sewing them into longer strips.

Here's a big pile of 1 1/2" stips. I love the great variety of colors.

One big basket cleaned out. It did feel good. I cleaned out the smaller basket of this set, and it holds my five cans of starch. This big one is now cleaned out. I am making quilt backs ahead of time out of large scraps. I think I will store them in this large basket.