A couple of more finishes. I always stitch in the ditch, but am trying to learn repeating patterns over the quilt, since it makes a quilt last longer. A friend who teaches free motion quilting checked my quilt once I was finished, and she was very happy with the results. She told me about using a fancy stitch for the binding, so I tried it, now it took about 30 minutes to make it around the quilt, but it is cute. I think this might go to a cute little girl.

This is a Crumb Quilt, from Quiltville. Now, I do use much bigger fabric pieces then she does. She is just so patient. I'M NOT. But, I am happy with this quilt. I also did a repeating pattern all the way across it. It is going to a friend who rescued us from the hurricane. I think she needs a medal, but I think she will be happy with the quilt. The poor woman had 7 people, 11 dogs, 3 cats, and a rat camped out in her house.

I hardly ever keep a quilt, this one is MINE. I embroidered the little dolls, and it is sampler blocks in 30's fabric. It is queen size. The girls gave me fabric for my birthday, only if I promised to keep the quilt for myself. Not a problem. It is just so much brighter then the pics show.